Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book review: Drop 5 pounds - The small changes and big results diet by Heather K. Jones

I picked up this book in my local wal-mart a month ago. This book caught my eye - and it was love at first sight. I literally skimmed over the first 25 pages and couldnt put it down so I had to get it. I am a very visual person and if you are too, you will love the detailed plan they present. I am no expert in this matter but I try to read books, articles, online whenever about it. And if you have been reading about this topic, look no further. The contents of the book are:
  1. Introduction (to the Diet Decoder quiz); 3-day meal plan
  2. Chapter 1 - Eating In
  3. Chapter 2 - Supermarket Savvy
  4. Chapter 3 - On the Job
  5. Chapter 4 - Eating out
  6. Chapter 5 - Fitness first
  7. Chapter 6 - Sweet Celebrations
  8. Appendices - Drop 5 calculator Worksheets, Index to eating behaviors, eat more fiber index, Metric Equivalent charts
The big thing that I really liked were calore-friendly receipes and how to make little little changes in our diet to see huge changes in the way we feel and look. To give you an example, if one is craving fries (I know I heart them and are really hard to give up) but the book tells you to accept these cravings instead of ignoring them. The book shows that either you can have fast food fries at 400 calories OR can have Over-baked fries at 125 calories.

Well let me tell you over baked fries still tastes like fries and whoa you cut back 275 calories! It also teaches you how to read "Food Labels", how to take care of "Cravings 911", "100 calorie munchies" and "easy ways to burn 100 calories" and so much more. I wish I could put this book up for you guys (page by page) just so you could see what an amazing guide this is. In Canada, it costed me $25.00 (with tax) and in USA the price is 19.95 or on amazon or ebay I am sure you can find it much cheaper. Now enjoy some pictures that I have taken of this book.

                                                          Price Range if bought new
                                          The back cover of the book
                                         I like to follow the following guidelines
                                   Frozen veggies - i tried 2 of the easy to make and yummmy too
                                 Many great/easy receipes like this one
                                        this was my fave section - how to shop properly
                For those of us that work, the books sheds light on "Bad workplace Eating habits" to break
I hope you guys liked this book review, if you would more reviews like this one, please leave a comment (It will make my day).

Keep smiling, it doesnt cost anything =)
