Monday, April 18, 2011

I am Back!

Yes, I havent done outfit posts in a while bec I wasnt well. I am well now. (yay!) and Thank you to all those ppl who e-mailed to say " feel better" and "Hope you will be back to do outfit posts soon". It makes me REALLY HAPPY. All the snow (well most of it) is melted away now!!! for atleast couple of months now (Us Edmontonians know what we go through).

I got dressed today for work (Happy Mondays) and decided to take few picstures of myself. Expect much more outfits now because I am in such of feel-good-springy-loving-corally-colors-kind-of-mood-now.

Welcome to my new followers! Hope you enjoy my posts and if you like something, please leave a comment; it makes me happy gal. Now further ado, here are the pictures!

  • I am thinking of buying myself a tripod to be able to take my pictures outside now - any suggestions?
  • It was lovely to wake and get ready while the sun was peeking into my room - BLISS!
  • I love H &M. I want to try a maxi but just am not sure (I mean I dont know if I can wear it to office - it might be just too casual)?
  • It feels great to be healthy again, I kind of became too busy and then got sick. Big time. off and on. But now, I am great!
  • Spring has sprung in Edmonton, hopefully its not a false alarm.
  • I am attending the Edmonton Swap on the 30th April - Sat! I hope to meet many other Edmonton style bloggers there - and will come home with some great swaps..I am hoping!
  • NEXT TIPPY TUESDAY - is a financial tip - but will be posted on Wednesday so stay tuned for it.
Alright, beautiful ppl take it easy and keep smiling =]

Good Night (atleast for me).

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